Special Needs Assisting: Some information on Qualifications.
The Adult Education Service South East (Dublin) offer a Major Award in Community Care (SNA) which will increase your chances of employment as a Special Needs Assistant.
At present in Ireland the Department of Education state the following qualifications are required to be an SNA:
The minimum requirement of qualifications for an SNA is a FETAC level 3 major qualification, a minimum of three grade Ds in the Junior Certificate, or an equivalent qualification.
Therefore, if you have a QQI Level 3 (Junior cert. or equivalent) you are able to apply for work as an SNA. However, a recent study by FORSA showed that only 3% of all SNAs have the minimum qualification of a Junior Certificate. All others have QQI Level 5 or higher.
There is currently no award at QQI Level 5 that links directly to SNA work. Instead, people can complete a range of suitable major awards such as Community Care; Community Health Care, or others. You can study just one SNA module, however your employment prospects will increase if you complete a major award at level 5. The Major award we offer in our Adult Education Service is QQI Community Care (SNA).
When studying SNA all learners will do the core modules and then electives modules chosen within this major award are linked to SNA work, such as Special Needs Assisting, Intellectual Disability Studies, Equality and Disability, Young People and Society etc. This takes most students 2 years part time. If you are new to this work we strongly recommend that you combine this course with a work placement. Work experience is the best way to increase your skills and find suitable employment as an SNA
For more information on the modules we offer that will be appropriate for SNA please click HERE.
If you would like further information or to register, please contact:
Phone: 01-2989283
Email: learningdundrum@ddletbaes.ie